Monday, November 30, 2009

Bait Bus Vídeos Grátis

J 145" "Holidays Tale - Chapter 3"


Volume 2 "Tamania"

Chapter 3 "137 J - Monday, November 23"

Clouds dissipated in our wake, we hinted a few pieces of blue sky. That alone, that's enough to start the day.
Check our "night spot", fully furnished (we had deluxe toilets ... or it was pumped to flush short ..) towards the Narawntapu National Park. First going through Greens Beach (open circles of the north coast) before joining the National Park with an unpronounceable name. On the road, we saw the one and only Tasmanian devil that has seen our vacation ... crushed to death in the middle of the road. Then approached the National Park, we crossed several wallaby, hiding in stuffed on the edge of the road we came.
Initially, we did not know if there are walking trails in this park, but soon, it was carried away along the cliffs.
rebels we are, we have crossed the barrier that says "construction site - Please Keep Out" (roughly, "construction site, release). But the landscape that advanced sea gave us was magnificent. It was well worth it to break some rules.
We continue along the cliffs, and it resulted in a kind of low down on the sea Simply Beautiful. Asparagus rocks by powerful waves that came crashing into it. The wind was so strong that we unbalance. Then, as after a while it hurts the ears, we are back and we continue the journey in hopes of seeing some wombats, but in vain.
U-turn and return to camp.
was then down the Tamar Valley, always along the Tamar River towards Lanceston, or we had lunch and spend the afternoon. Our condition of carnivore has pushed us to find a restaurant. Asleep by the digestion, then walked the streets of Lanceston, before heading to the cinema to book our tickets to New Moon, the session 18.45. Once that mission was accomplished, it has made in search of a campsite for the night, just to recharge the battery from Camper. The afternoon draws to a close, but leaving us a little while longer, we were visiting "Character Gorges," a kind of grooves as you'll understand. Stroll than an hour blank cliff, not more, not to be late for an appointment with Edward, Bella and Jacob.
first arrived! As head girl, was the privilege of entering the first in the room. 2h movie. And I can not not make a film critic, but promised I would be brief.

second month although the film first, not because of adaptation, but simply because I did not like the book ... so obviously I have less love.
second reason for disappointment: The Soundtrack. The first film placed the bar very high. That of the second movie did not even mark it to say!
third reason: the play of Taylor Lautner. Either he plays poorly, the director is not good. I choose the second solution. Jacob becomes a character cu-ass caricature of Mr Muscle. It's a shame because in my taste, his physique does not dissipate this weakness of the film.
Here, I promised to be brief. I would add just that I preferred the French version has a particular ... but mostly because of the way of dialogue. The translation is poorly done and for this reason some replicas become downright nian nian, and a total cliche films use water rose, "I'd never hurt Bella" I can not live without you my love "you 're everything to me, my life, my world and nianiania "

After this movie night, back to the campsite.
See you tomorrow Friends!


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